If you are looking for a unique, alternative treatment for your achesand ailments, magnet therapy could be the solution for you. A neodymiummagnet and a powerful magnet are made from the Earth and are known ashealing magnets.
Magnetic therapy, or magnotherapy, is an alternative healing practicethat helps alleviate aches and pains. By exposing the body to strongmagnetic field,neodymium magnet relieves pain and is commonly used forjoint disorders and back/spine problems. Magnet therapy is also used inconjunction with other alternative healing methods (such as massagetherapy and acupuncture).
A neodymium magnet and a powerful magnet also help balance the body'schakras (energy sources found within the body). If the body's energy isunbalanced, holistic practitioners place the magnets at certain chakrapoints to magnetize the unbalanced chakra point. The powerful magnetstabilizes the chakras with its strong magnetic force and balances thebody's energy points.
Ease Symptoms with a Neodymium Magnet
Magnetic jewelry worn on the wrists, arms and neck helps alleviate painon a regular basis. A neodymium magnet and Earth-based magnets arecommonly used to help alleviate pain for the following conditions. Ifyou suffer from the following aches and pains, it might be time to usemagnets:
Back/spine pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Sinus and stress headaches
Muscle spasms
Strains and swelling
Joint pain
Magnets have been used for centuries to heal medical conditions. Aneodymium magnet and Earth-based magnets come in a variety of shapes andsizes. Neodymium is one of the strongest magnets made from the earth.Magnets can be worn as jewelry or used by holistic practitioners duringhealing sessions. Magnetic mattress pads can also help reduce insomniaand back pain.